LCROSS Spotted in Argentina
50d 20m 11.6s S, 72d 20m 22.5s W (WP061)
For those who knew of my work at NASA, I was involved in a lunar impactor mission, LCROSS (Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite), from 2006-2009, a mission that confirmed the presence of water in the form of water ice within the lunar south pole crater Cabeus. LCROSS may be eternally at Luna Coords 84° 43'S, 49° 37'W, LCROSS was recently spotted at Terran Coords 50° 20'S, 72° 20'W.  Today we visited the local museum devoted to the study of ice and glaciers: Glaciarium.
Upon display look what we found! Although not named specifically, the artwork was quite familiar. Actually from all the other satellite imagery of ice/glaciers, etc. the museum would credit NASA Johnson Space Center or JPL, almost at random. Anyway, the curator was kind to allow me to take some snap shots!
 It was a fun surprise. (left) Glaciarium - Museum about ice. Off in the distance is Lago Argentino, the largest freshwater lake in Argentina. (right) Picture of the display on ice in our solar system.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012