Wilhelmina Bay
64d 40m 33.7s S, 62d 01m 56.7s W (WP120)
After sailing down south through the Gerlache Strait at sunrise (with amazing lighting), we moored at Wilhelmina Bay in the Antarctic Peninsula, famed for its icebergs and for whale watching. We saw plenty of the former, and very little of the latter. The collection of icebergs was impressive, varying in shape, size and texture (some icy, others bubble-pocketed, some snowy). The calm clear waters brought out the beautiful blues and whites of these magnificent shapes. Once again, one lost the size perspective, and I learned to start taking more photos of these wonderful ice-beasties with the boat or zodiac in the frame to just add a sense of scale.
We did see two Minke whales (from a distance) swimming along at a rapid pace and two Humpback whales “logging” (mainly taking a nap). And it was fun to watch the Gulls sitting atop the icebergs, as if they were kings and queens of this icy white-blue domain.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012