Half Moon Island and Base Camara (Arg)
62d 35m 43.8s S, 59d 54m 11.6s W (WP111)
Our journey continued back through the English Strait to a cloistered island in the shape of a half moon (or rather crescent), but enough to provide a unique backdrop, but still in the South Shetland Islands. An Argentine naval base, Camara, welcomed us, and our ship, the Polar Pioneer, had astutely flown the Argentine colours when we docked. Camara has been perched there since 1953 and it really is just an outpost for the Argentine navy, and may be had some science history. This was our first introduction to the fascinating and evolving geo-political scene in the northern Antarctic area, as there are many countries who claim jurisdiction here, but actually, no country owns Antarctica per the treaty ratified by many countries back in 1959. As we would continue our journey, we would see brightly coloured huts, with large flags designating the country of origin (Spain, Argentina, Chile, etc.) reminding us of the continued human presence here.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012